".... Whatever is spiritually manifest becomes physically manifest, provided it is empowered...."

Grandfather - 1958


"Grandfather spoke again, saying, "Trying to live a spiritual life in modern society is the most difficult path one can walk. It is a path of pain, of isolation, and of shaken faith, but that is the only way that our Vision can become reality. Thus the true Quest in life is to live the philosophy of the Earth within the confines of man. There is no church or temple we need to seek peace, for ours are the temples of the wilderness. There are no spiritual leaders, for our hearts and the Creator are our only leaders. Our numbers are scattered; few speak our language or understand the things that we live. Thus we walk this path alone, for each Vision, each Quest, is unique unto the individual. But we must walk within society or our Vision dies, for a man not living his Vision is living death."

-- The Quest

There are over 202 Philosophy Courses taught at the Tracker School:

Classic Courses (Held Yearly):

Philosophy 1
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Learn Stalking Wolf’s truly unique approach to spirituality. Tom’s mentor and spiritual grandfather travelled the Americas for six decades following his vision to find the common threads between the various philosophies and religions.

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Prerequisites: None

Philosophy 2
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Building on the base of Philosophy I, this class will further expand your understanding of Grandfather”s worlds, and the importance of working and living within them on a daily basis. Group work and the sharing of results will ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

Keepers of the Force
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The Keepers of the Force deals with the many teachings, communication and power of the Spirit that moves in and through all things.

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Prerequisites: None

Temples of the Soul
There are no courses currently scheduled.

It was only a few years ago that I began to teach the Temples of the Soul class where instead of moving outwardly spiritually the student moved inwardly to a deeper sense of knowing and understanding...

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Prerequisites: None

Philosophy I Live On-line
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Learn Stalking Wolf’s truly unique approach to spirituality. Tom’s mentor and spiritual grandfather travelled the Americas for six decades following his vision to find the common threads between the various philosophies and religions.

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Prerequisites: None

Keepers Gathering 2015
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This gathering is exclusively for members of Tom's Keeper Society. You must be in one of the designated Keeper groups to enroll. The gathering will run from 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday October 7th, to Saturday, October 10th at ...

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Prerequisites: None

Physical Spirit Session 6
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place...

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Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 1-5

Advanced Power of Story
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I have run the Power of Story class before and I’ve always wanted to take people further into the power, magic, medicine power, myth, and place of story that Grandfather passed down to me...

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Prerequisites: None

Permissible Misuse of Power
There are no courses currently scheduled.

If you are a graduate of any of the Philosophy Classes, you will remember that the use of spiritual power comes with some astringent rules as to where, when, and how that power can be used...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1, Philosophy 1 Workshop

Guardians of Ceremony Session 11
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly...

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Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 10

Grandfather's Personal Rituals
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This is a very unique class in many ways for it teaches the rituals and personal Ceremony that Grandfather integrated into his daily life...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

The Radiant Touch
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Yes, now is the time that I move Radiance in all of its forms to the next level...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Physical Spirit Session 12
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place, but we also have a spiritual mind, a spiritual body, and live in the place of spirit...

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Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 11

Beyond Radiance
There are no courses currently scheduled.

We have finally reached the point where I can take people beyond the foundation and basic uses of Radiance and bring them into the next level...

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Prerequisites: None

Visions of Warning
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Many of you will remember that I stressed and continue to stress, the “Prayer of Warning”, where I asked you sincerely to call to the Creator twice a day that you be warned beforehand of any danger that you or your family may face...

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Prerequisites: None

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 20
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The techniques and teachings that I will be giving to you are essential in the fight against darkness in its many forms, especially in the new forms it will take in the coming year, and beyond to the Gates of the Red Skies...

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Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talksers Session #19

Deep Awareness
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This 5 day class will take you into the deepest realms of Awareness and our connection to the Earth....

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

10 Day Philosophy 1 and Temples
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This course covers the philosophy by which Stalking Wolf lived his life, as well as what he taught to Tom during their 10 years together...

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Prerequisites: None

Hidden Powers Of The Spirit That Moves In And Through All Things
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This class will become a powerhouse of information and skill that will take the student deep into the world of the “Force”...

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Prerequisites: Standard

Hidden Secrets Of Silence
There are no courses currently scheduled.

In the past two years I’ve been opening the vast world of teachings for that of the “Silence that is Sacred”, as Grandfather defined it...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Beyond the Final Oneness
There are no courses currently scheduled.

All I can say to all of you who wish to sign up for this class is that I want to go beyond what I’ve taught with the Final Oneness and for the first time enter the vast arena of the Ultimate Oneness...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

There are no courses currently scheduled.

This is probably one of the most unique classes I’ve ever ventured to teach in that it is not only a bit complicated but also opens a vast arena of knowledge and wisdom to you...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

The Healing Silence
There are no courses currently scheduled.

As my way of continuing the education of higher level students, this class is designed to take you into the many healing powers of Silence...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Physical Spirit Session 19
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I feel very strongly that it is essential with the Physical Spirit commitment class that we meet again physically for a period of time to further your education...

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Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 18

Guardians of Ceremony Session 19
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I feel very strongly that it is essential with the Guardians of Ceremony commitment class that we meet again physically for a period of time to further your education...

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Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 18

The Evolution of Vision
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Over the past 40 years at the Tracker School and the teachings of Grandfather we have looked into various ways that the Spiritual and Temple worlds communicate...

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Prerequisites: None

Internal Tides And The Flow Of Life
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This is a class that looks into the deeper sense of self and the tidal movement within all of us...

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Prerequisites: None

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 29
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Continuation class.

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Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 28

Grandfather's Philosophy on Aging
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When Grandfather was 92 years old and I was 16 he could easily outrun me, out climb me, out swim me and gather loads more firewood than Rick and I could put together...

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Prerequisites: None

The Power of Instinct
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Grandfather didn’t go into much depth at first about our Instincts but then in the latter years, he began to address this very powerful and deeply hidden gift that we all have within us.

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Prerequisites: None

The Power of Physical Concentric Rings
There are no courses currently scheduled.

During the Standard Class I only briefly cover the skill of understanding and identifying concentric rings.

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Prerequisites: None

The Power of Spiritual Concentric Rings
There are no courses currently scheduled.

As it is with concentric rings in the physical world, so too are there concentric rings in the worlds of The Spirit-that-moves-in and through-all-things, the world of Spirit and also the world of the Temples of the Soul.

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Prerequisites: None

The Hidden Mind
There are no courses currently scheduled.

There is a deep part of ourselves, a hidden self and mind that is rarely used, far less known.

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Prerequisites: None

The Power of Story
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The power of this class is huge in scope, technique, wisdom and in the Way of the Spirit...

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Prerequisites: None

The Temples of The Soul
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began to teach the Temples of the Soul class only a few years ago, I had no idea as to what a student could grasp, understand and embrace...

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Prerequisites: None

There are no courses currently scheduled.

This class will without a doubt change your whole perception of healing and what it takes to be a healer...

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Prerequisites: None

Prophecy 2022
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This is going to be a very unique, thrilling and intense class designed to teach you the tools that Grandfather used to so accurately predict the future...

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Prerequisites: None

Temples of Silence
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Like Empowering Vision, the Temples of Silence is one of those areas that I give a short introduction to just so that you have the basic wisdom of the SILENCE but there is so much more that I wanted to teach but have so very little time in the format of the online classes that I couldn’t possibly go further and deeper into that Silence...

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Prerequisites: None

Inner Vision
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first present Inner Vision to a Philosophy 1 workshop, I explain that Inner Vision speaks to us in dreams, visions, signs, symbols, emotions and feelings.

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Prerequisites: None

Beyond Awareness
There are no courses currently scheduled.

In all levels of my classes, from the Philosophy series, to the Temples of the Soul, to the most Advanced Scout, these awareness skills, teachings and techniques will really take you so much deeper into the art, science and philosophy that will bring you to the level of Grandfather and the Elder Lineage...

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Prerequisites: None

Walking With Spirits
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This class focuses on the world of Spirits. It is my intent to bring you out of the dynamic meditations or Sacred Silence Journeys and into the physical world where you recognize and talk to the Spirits all around you.

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Prerequisites: None

Periodic Courses:

Philosophy 3
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This course goes well beyond the limits of Philosophy II in order to focus on the many applications of spirituality within a wilderness setting. By using the same teaching methods in the same locations where Grandfather taught, ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 2

Philosophy 4
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This class teaches the further integration of philosophy and spirituality into your everyday life. These advanced concepts, techniques and workshops are designed to bring you farther along your spiritual path and into a more dynamic ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 3

Philosophy 5
There are no courses currently scheduled.

As a graduate of the first four Philosophy classes you will understand why this class is very difficult to explain. However, be sure to go over all of your Philosophy notes and lecture recordings, and practice your skills, as no ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

Philosophy 6
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Needless to say, this class is very hard to describe. We will push further into the way Grandfather lived his life, and into his deepest philosophies. Given that you have completed Philosophy V, you can only imagine where this class ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 5

Philosophy 7
There are no courses currently scheduled.

In all honesty, there is no point in attempting to describe this course, and as you move through the higher levels of the Philosophy classes you will understand why. All we can say is, practice your skills, get in plenty of dirt ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 6

Razors Edge
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This class is designed to solve the age old question of how to live a spiritual life amid the rush and din of society. Since the day he walked out of the wilderness, Tom realized this is a struggle that must be met head on. In this ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

Living the Sacred Silence
There are no courses currently scheduled.

One of the most difficult rituals, philosophies, and powers to master is how to live the Sacred Silence every day of our lives. Even as Tom teaches this skill in the Philosophy Classes he find that students drift in and out, much ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 2

Philosophy of Intention
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Many of you have heard Tom say over and over that it is your Intent that makes the difference. Intent drives your purpose and determines your results. Intent can make you a far more effective healer, or it can hold you back from ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 2

Power of Faith
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Another name for this class could be "Building Your Faith". In this class we will deal with the power of faith, the building of faith, and the application of faith. It contains many stories and parables that Grandfather used to help ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 2

There are no courses currently scheduled.

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

The Spirits
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Though difficult to explain exactly how, this class will teach you a more dynamic manner of communication with the spirit world; a world of teachers, and a world in which Grandfather spent a great deal of his time. So much of ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 3

Way of the Shaman 1
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Tom first began designing this class many years ago, with the hope that some day he would be able to run it. From the start he knew that in order to cover, and do justice to, all of the advanced material he had planned, this class ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 4

Way of the Void
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The Great Void, defined in Grandfather”s Worlds as the Realm of the Shaman, is an area that Tom has, in the past, vehemently avoided teaching. Why? Simply stated, the concepts of the Void and its many powers are so detailed ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 4

Distractions and the Darkside
There are no courses currently scheduled.

As Healers and tools for the Light it is often difficult to discern between when something just goes wrong and when we are being distracted from our true purpose by the forces of the Dark. This class will give you a better ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 5

Power of the Demon
There are no courses currently scheduled.

To some this will seem like an strange and dangerous class to offer, and they are right. In this class we will explore how darkness, evil, and demonic forces can cause us problems on all levels. However, as healers we must be able ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 5

The Temples of Creation
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The Temples of Creation class will explore the philosophy and power of Grandfather”s form of prayer and worship, and how he used the natural world as a vehicle to the Creator. Come and explore the rituals, mythologies, stories ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

Understanding the Spirit that moves in and through All Things
There are no courses currently scheduled.

One of the most difficult undertakings in the philosophy and spirituality of Grandfather is to understand, use, and ultimately master the power of the Spirit-That-Moves-Through-All-Things. This class will take you from the ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 2

Understanding the Darkside
There are no courses currently scheduled.

One of the major philosophical and spiritual areas that Tom tends to side-step during the Philosophy classes is the frightening and dangerous element of the Dark Side. But to become an effective Healer is to "know your enemy", and ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 5

Beyond the Razors Edge
There are no courses currently scheduled.

As many of you know, one of the most difficult challenges we face is trying to live a spiritual life while living and working within society. Tom has attempted to address this problem and some possible solutions in his Razor”s ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

What can I Do?
There are no courses currently scheduled.

One of the most important questions asked by a student is what they can do with the teaching they receive at the Tracker School — especially from the Philosophy classes. In the past Tom has let each student follow their heart ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

Journey to Invisibility
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I’m not simply talking here about the physical invisibility, but a greater more dynamic invisibility that not only protects, but opens the mind and spirit to all possibility. Yet, I am also talking about physical ...

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Prerequisites: Scout, Philosophy 1

Walking with the Animals
There are no courses currently scheduled.

To say that Grandfather had a way with animals is a tremendous understatement. So often he would call in birds, walk with deer, and heal those animals that were injured. How could he accomplish this? That is what this class is ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Power of the Vision Quest
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Many people think of a vision quest as a 10 foot circle of silence and solitude. But I believe in “Vision Mind”; each of us becoming totally aware of the little things that surround us every day, begging to be discovered, ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

The Spiritual Side of Hunting
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Grandfather taught Tom that, “All beings share the same spark of life and spirit; and in death, the lives of hunter and hunted are forever joined.” With that in mind...

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Prerequisites: Standard

There are no courses currently scheduled.

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Prerequisites: Standard

There are no courses currently scheduled.

We’ve got a brand new series of intensives that I am very excited about. For 30 years I’ve been teaching our “Standard” class, which in a single week, can only provide a brief glimpse at the seven core tracks...

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Prerequisites: Standard

Food- Wild Edible Plants
There are no courses currently scheduled.

We’ve got a brand new series of intensives that I am very excited about. For 30 years I’ve been teaching our “Standard” class, which in a single week, can only provide a brief glimpse at the seven core tracks ...

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Prerequisites: Standard

Food- Medicinal Plants
There are no courses currently scheduled.

We’ve got a brand new series of intensives that I am very excited about. For 30 years I’ve been teaching our “Standard” class, which in a single week, can only provide a brief glimpse at the seven core tracks ...

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Prerequisites: Standard

Food- Sacred Hunting and Fishing
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Native people believe that when we take a life for our nourishment it becomes part of us, one with our being. Thus, it is absolutely necessary that we show the Creator honest and humble gratitude in prayer, and that we properly honor...

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Prerequisites: Standard

Pottery and Baskets
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Most people think of pottery and baskets as the physical skill of making a tangible object, when in reality, the most essential element of creating pottery and baskets is philosophical exploration of the empty spaces within. This ...

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Prerequisites: Standard

Stalking and Movement
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The spiritual side of our physical selves is a blessed mystery. I often say that “Grandfather moved like a prayer with each step blessing the earth.” Stalking is so much more than a physical act; it is like a shadow ...

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Prerequisites: Standard

Power of Immersion
There are no courses currently scheduled.

During the awareness lecture at the Standard Class I tell the story of how, during the writing of “The Tracker” I was at a loss to convey to my readers how Grandfather and I got “into the wilderness”. I spoke...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Warriors of the Force
There are no courses currently scheduled.

During the Philosophy Classes you have often heard me tell of the wars that are going on in the World of the Spirit-that-moves-in-all-things, the Force, the Spirit World, the great Void, and even the realm of the Shaman, but I have ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 2

Warriors of Spirit
There are no courses currently scheduled.

During the Philosophy Classes you have often heard me tell of the wars that are going on in the World of the Spirit-that-moves-in-all-things, the Force, the Spirit World, the great Void, and even the realm of the Shaman, but I have ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 2

Warriors of the Void
There are no courses currently scheduled.

During the Philosophy Classes you have often heard me tell of the wars that are going on in the World of the Spirit-that-moves-in-all-things, the Force, the Spirit World, the great Void, and even the realm of the Shaman, but I have ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 2

Keepers of the Earth
There are no courses currently scheduled.

In Grandfather’s Clan, and very much like the Scouts, there was a very powerful and secret medicine society called the “Keepers of the Earth”. Like the Scouts they were also warriors, but their enemy was far less ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

The Power of Inspiration
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I believe as Grandfather believed that Faith is the most powerful force on Earth. I also believe as he believed that Inspiration is a very close second. The problem is that most people don’t know ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

The Power of Inspiration
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I believe as Grandfather believed that Faith is the most powerful force on Earth. I also believe as he believed that Inspiration is a very close second. The problem is that most people don’t know ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

The Power of Word
There are no courses currently scheduled.

As graduates of the Philosophy Classes you all know that all things have power. Thought, emotion, prayer, and even words have power, if we know how to empower them in their written or spoken form. If you ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

There are no courses currently scheduled.

Grandfather so often said, “There is no death, only a change of worlds”. I deliver that quote is so many Philosophy classes but then drop the subject. This class is designed to not only understand the concept of death ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

The Power of Enlightenment
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Enlightenment is inspiration put into action – It is the beauty and power of a true epiphany! Enlightenment can fine tune and embolden the inspiration you receive from either a walking, or a classic ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Journey to the Sacred Areas
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I write a book, the first thing I do is decide what I want to teach, then I go back and re-read my journals, and finally I will physically go back to the area where it happened and spiritually re-live the event. Only then do I ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Philosophy 8
There are no courses currently scheduled.

My first thought was to tell you that "if you have to ask about this one, you”re probably not ready for it." However – that”s not entirely accurate! Some of the intensives I”ve taught ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 7

Personal Sweatlodge Workshop with Tom Frank
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The personal sweatlodge class will focus on the building and use of a personal sweatlodge. This is a lodge used for personal healing, and questing. Tom Frank will show you how to build this lodge and its uses. Be prepared to work on ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Expansion of the Sacred Question
There are no courses currently scheduled.

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Prerequisites: None

Sensing Presence in Everyday Life
There are no courses currently scheduled.

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Prerequisites: None

Keepers of the Secrets
There are no courses currently scheduled.

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Metamorphosis of Power
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Price: $3200 Deposit: $400 Prerequisite: Philosophy 3 Limit: 40 Students This ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 3

Philosophy 1 Workshop
There are no courses currently scheduled.

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Prerequisites: None

Beyond the Facade
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The Experiment Beyond the Façade We are about to run a giant experiment at Tracker. Much of the work that we do requires a ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

The Way of Darkness
There are no courses currently scheduled.

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

The Promise
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Prerequisites: Standard

Ghost Class
There are no courses currently scheduled.

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

Philosophy 9
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Prerequisites: Philosophy 8

Keepers Gathering
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Keepers Gatherings are only for those who are members of one of Tom”s Keeper groups so please only enroll if you received an invitation.

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Prerequisites: None

The Surrounding Darkness
There are no courses currently scheduled.

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

The Way of the Spirit & Everyday Life
There are no courses currently scheduled.

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

The Shaman and Grandfathers' Prophecy
There are no courses currently scheduled.

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

Escaping Darkness
There are no courses currently scheduled.

PLEASE NOTE THIS HAS BEEN CHANGED TO A WEEK-LONG CLASS INSTEAD OF 10 DAYS. IT RUNS 9/9-9/15. Escaping Darkness is a class designed to fully understand the forces of darkness and evil that will prevail ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

Online Ceremony
There are no courses currently scheduled.

During the week I am teaching the Ceremony Class, November 7-11, in the evening of that class I will be doing an on-line ceremony class. For 5 nights, starting Monday night and running through Friday night, from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm I ...

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Prerequisites: Standard

Advanced Fire Bending
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This will be the last full class of 2012 and what a tremendous way to end the year. Needless to say that this class is one of those long awaited events whose time has come, and even before the writing of this class description ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

Hidden Secrets of Prophecy
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This class will not only enter the world of Grandfathers” Prophecy and the Prophecy of his people, but also enters the worlds of Prophecy and the Visionary in general. All along there are hidden and secretive elements, ...

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Prerequisites: Standard

Hidden Secrets of the Ancient Scout
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This class will not only enter the world of Grandfathers” Prophecy and the Prophecy of his people, but also enters the worlds of Prophecy and the Visionary in general. All along there are hidden and secretive elements, ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Hidden Secrets of Awareness
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This class will not only enter the world of Grandfathers” Prophecy and the Prophecy of his people, but also enters the worlds of Prophecy and the Visionary in general. All along there are hidden and secretive elements, ...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Hidden Secrets of Tracking
There are no courses currently scheduled.

As so many of you have heard, the Hidden Secrets Series have been among some of the most intense, far reaching, and highly advanced classes I have ever run either on line or in the physical format. Many of the techniques taught during these Hidden Secrets classes have been so highly advanced that I’ve even asked the students not to pass down any of the teaching, for fear that the power of Grandfathers’ Vision will be lost in the translation and transition....

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Hidden Secrets of Primitive Fire
There are no courses currently scheduled.

As so many of you have heard, the Hidden Secrets Series have been among some of the most intense, far reaching, and highly advanced classes I have ever run either on line or in the physical format. Many of the techniques taught during these Hidden Secrets classes have been so highly advanced that I’ve even asked the students not to pass down any of the teaching, for fear that the power of Grandfathers’ Vision will be lost in the translation and transition...

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Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Deep Ceremony
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Deep Ceremony should actually be named, “The Hidden Secrets of Deep Ceremony”, because it is in the tradition of the Hidden Secrets Classes that this class will become a very important part...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 2, The Way of the Visionary Online

Philosophy 2 Online
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Building on the base of Philosophy I, this class will further expand your understanding of Grandfathers worlds, and the importance of working and living within them on a daily basis. Group work and the sharing of results will ...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 1, Philosophy I Live On-line

Dark Medicine
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Dark Medicine teaches one to fight fire with fire...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 3, The Apprentice Program

The Exorcist
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Intense, frightening, and needed...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 3, The Apprentice Program

Hidden Power of Sacred Spheres
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This class will go deeper into the power and application of the Sacred Spheres that many of you learned about in various on line classes...

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Prerequisites: Philosophy 2, The Way of the Visionary Online

Sacred Lands and Coyote Shadows
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This class will be run from the remote location of Apache Springs, Arizona. Here lies the mountain of the "Sleeping Grandmother"...

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Prerequisites: None

Hidden Secrets of the Temples of the Soul
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The main focus of this class is to teach you how to use the power of the Temples for self healing and the healing of your loved ones...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Standard

The Hidden Powers of Communication
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I felt very strongly that I wanted to expand the series of Hidden Secrets into a new realm of classes called “The Hidden Powers” that is approached in much the same way as all of the Hidden Secrets Classes..

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: None

Mind and Body Control
There are no courses currently scheduled.

In the Mind/Body control class, I will approach it much the same way that Grandfather taught me...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: None

Physical Spirit Session 1-5
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: None

Guardians of Ceremony
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: None

10 Day Philosophy 1 and 2
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Because of the changes in the Philosophy Classes in general, I’ve found it necessary to combine the original Philosophy I and the Philosophy II class into a new ten day format..

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: None

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session #13
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The techniques and teachings that I will be giving to you are essential in the fight against darkness in its many forms, especially in the new forms it will take in the coming year, and beyond to the Gates of the Red Skies...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers

Physical Spirit Session 8
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 7

Guardians of Ceremony Session 8
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 7

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 14
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The techniques and teachings that I will be giving to you are essential in the fight against darkness in its many forms, especially in the new forms it will take in the coming year, and beyond to the Gates of the Red Skies...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session #13

Physical Spirit Session 9
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 8

Temples of the Soul and the Power of Inner Radiance
There are no courses currently scheduled.

This is a new class, designed to bring into the teaching the best of the Temples classes with a focus on the powers of inner Radiance...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Radiance and The Way of the Spirit
There are no courses currently scheduled.

As I am doing with the Temples of the Soul and the Power of Inner Radiance I want to do the same for Grandfather’s Way of the Spirit...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Combined Radiance Classes
There are no courses currently scheduled.

A few months ago I ran several Radiance based classes that I said I would like to bring back together again at a later date to further your education...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Standard, Philosophy 1

Guardians of Ceremony Session 9
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 8

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 15
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The techniques and teachings that I will be giving to you are essential in the fight against darkness in its many forms, especially in the new forms it will take in the coming year, and beyond to the Gates of the Red Skies...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 14

Guardians of Ceremony Session 10
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 9

Physical Spirit Session 11
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place, but we also have a spiritual mind, a spiritual body, and live in the place of spirit...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 10

10 day Philosophy 3 and 4
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The 10 Day Philosophy III & IV is a new approach in teaching the Philosophy Workshops. I found that by not having to break the class for 30 to 36 hours between sessions in the way that the old Philosophy III and IV were once run I can cover the same amount of teaching by using the 10 day format...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Philosophy 2, 10 Day Philosophy 1 and 2

Guardians of Ceremony Session 12
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 11

Guardians of Ceremony Session 13
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 12

Physical Spirit Session 14
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place, but we also have a spiritual mind, a spiritual body, and live in the place of spirit...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 13

Guardians of Ceremony Session 14
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 13

Physical Spirit Session 15
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I feel very strongly that it is essential with the Physical Spirit commitment class that we meet again physically for a period of time to further your education...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 14

Guardians of Ceremony Session 15
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I feel very strongly that it is essential with the Guardians of Ceremony commitment class that we meet again physically for a period of time to further your education...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 14

The Way of the Ghost Talksers Session #19
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The techniques and teachings that I will be giving to you are essential in the fight against darkness in its many forms, especially in the new forms it will take in the coming year, and beyond to the Gates of the Red Skies...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session #18

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 22
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I feel very strongly that it is essential with the Ghost Talkers commitment classes that we meet physically for a period of time to further your education...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 21

Overcoming The 7 Personal Demons
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Not long ago I ran an online class called Transcending the Demon of Distraction and it turns out that it was one of the most enlightening and powerful classes I’ve ever taught...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: None

Physical Spirit Session 16
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place, but we also have a spiritual mind, a spiritual body, and live in the place of spirit...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 15

Guardians of Ceremony Session 16
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 15

Physical Spirit Session 17
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place, but we also have a spiritual mind, a spiritual body, and live in the place of spirit...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 16

Guardians of Ceremony Session 17
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 16

Physical Spirit Session 18
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place, but we also have a spiritual mind, a spiritual body, and live in the place of spirit...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 17

Guardians of Ceremony Session 18
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 17

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 24
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The techniques and teachings that I will be giving to you are essential in the fight against darkness in its many forms, especially in the new forms it will take in the coming year, and beyond to the Gates of the Red Skies...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 23

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 26
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I feel very strongly that it is essential with the Ghost Talkers commitment classes that we meet physically for a period of time to further your education...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 25

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 25
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The techniques and teachings that I will be giving to you are essential in the fight against darkness in its many forms, especially in the new forms it will take in the coming year, and beyond to the Gates of the Red Skies...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 24

Physical Spirit Session 20
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place, but we also have a spiritual mind, a spiritual body, and live in the place of spirit...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 19

Guardians of Ceremony Session 20
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 19

Physical Spirit Session 21
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place, but we also have a spiritual mind, a spiritual body, and live in the place of spirit...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 20

Physical Spirit Session 22
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Unlike most of the live broadcasts so far, this will have more of a preparatory nature...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 21

Guardians of Ceremony Session 22
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Unlike most of the live broadcasts so far, this will have more of a preparatory nature...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 21

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 28
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Continuation class.

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 27

Physical Spirit Session 23
There are no courses currently scheduled.

When I first began my Journey to the Spirit with Grandfather, he told me that we have a physical body, a physical mind, and live in a physical place, but we also have a spiritual mind, a spiritual body, and live in the place of spirit...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 22

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 30
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The Way of the Ghost Talkers commitment class.

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 29

Physical Spirit Session 24
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Continuation Commitment Class

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 23

Physical Spirit Session 26
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Continuation Commitment Class.

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 25

Guardians of Ceremony Session 24
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Ongoing commitment class

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 23

Guardians of Ceremony Session 25
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Ongoing Commitment Class for Guardians of Ceremony

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 24

Guardians of Ceremony Session 26
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Ongoing Commitment Class for Guardians of Ceremony

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 25

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 31
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The Way of the Ghost Talkers commitment class.

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 30

The Hidden Power Of The Spirit That Moves In And Through all Things
There are no courses currently scheduled.

As many of you heard when you took the Emergency Preparation online class, Grandfather only began to expand on the power of “The Spirit” when I was 16 years old...

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Philosophy 1

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 32
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Commitment Class

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 31

Physical Spirit session 27
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Continuation Commitment Class.

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 26

Guardians of Ceremony Session 27
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Continuation Commitment Class.

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 26

Physical Spirit Session 28
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Continuation Commitment Class.

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit session 27

Guardians of Ceremony Session 28
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Continuation Commitment Class.

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Guardians of Ceremony Session 27

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 33
There are no courses currently scheduled.

The Way of the Ghost Talkers Commitment Class

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: The Way of the Ghost Talkers Session 32

Physical Spirit Session 29
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Continuation Commitment Class.

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Physical Spirit Session 1-5, Physical Spirit Session 28

Temples of the Soul V
There are no courses currently scheduled.

I guess that I don’t need much of a description here for this class in that all of you know what is coming.

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Temples of the Soul IV

Temples of the Soul VI
There are no courses currently scheduled.

Ongoing Temples of the Soul Commitment Class

Course Detalis >>>

Prerequisites: Temples of the Soul V

Retired Courses: