".... And like the Sacred circle of life, the circle of the unseen, ancient, and eternal, without beginning or ending, is the power of the timeless circle of eternity."

Grandfather - 1964

The Hidden Powers of Communication


I felt very strongly that I wanted to expand the series of Hidden Secrets into a new realm of classes called “The Hidden Powers” that is approached in much the same way as all of the Hidden Secrets Classes. However, the Hidden Powers Classes will focus directly on the Spiritual aspects of Grandfathers’ teaching. In this way, the Hidden Secrets classes will focus on the more physical skills and the Hidden Powers classes will focus on all that is Spiritual. As with all of these classes it is my way of piling on information, teaching and skill at a fast and in depth pace, covering in detail many of the teachings that I don’t have the time to teach in the main stream Tracker Classes.

I felt it appropriate that a great beginning to the Hidden Powers series would be that of Communication in its many forms. When you consider all of the ways in which Grandfather taught Rick and me to communicate with both Earth and Spirit, the list and techniques seem endless and staggering in scope and intensity. In this Communication class I will thoroughly discuss the many forms of communication from the Spirit-that-moves-in and through-all things, to the Temples of the Soul, to the vast realms and levels of Spirit. I will take you into new areas of understanding and communication as well as expand upon all that you already know. It is not just communication with the realms of Spirit and Force, but also with the Earth, the plants, the animals, and, of course, each other.

Prerequiste: None

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