".... Live a vision driven life...."

Grandfather - 1968

Guardians of Ceremony Session 20


I am deeply concerned that most of the ceremonies, customs, traditions, songs, chants, and prayers that Grandfather so painstakingly passed down to me will be lost if I don’t do something quickly to preserve them. Yes I have them recorded in my various notebooks and journals but for someone to try and decipher them is another story for there is too much detail, dance, movement, and execution involved to even remotely understand far less preserve them using my journals alone. The only way that this can be done is the way that Grandfather taught me; one thing at a time over a long period of time, making sure that everything I did, was as it was taught. The only thing that I have going in my favor now is all of the modern recording and video devices that will eventually create a series of archives as long as there is electricity. I think that won’t slip by the belly of the coyote. In other words, electricity will eventually fail and all that will remain is the “Way of the Ancients” and that is pictographs, talking sticks, and word of mouth, passed down generation after generation.

This is not like any ceremony class that I have done in the past, where all I could focus upon was the basic customs, rituals, and prayers in more general terms of setup, execution, and formula. The on line Guardians class will teach you in exactly the same way Grandfather taught me so that over a period of time you will be able to not only preserve the ceremony, custom, tradition and/or ritual, but confidently pass them down. Needless to say it will be a very demanding class, a class that will take passion and dedications as well as countless hours of “dirt time” to make it all happen. But there is an urgency here that can’t be understated especially given the horrific condition the World is in and what lies ahead for all of us. These ceremonies are the grand teachers of infinite wisdom and healing that should not be allowed to vanish forever.

Prerequiste: Guardians of Ceremony Session 19

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