".... And your heart becomes the bridge, the doorway, the light...."

Grandfather - 1968

Hidden Secrets of the Temples of the Soul


There are so many uses, applications, and hidden secrets of the Temples of the Soul that even during the week-long physical class I have very little time to enter this vast realm of teaching, wisdom, and power. The main focus on this class is to teach you how to use the power of the Temples for self healing and the healing of your loved ones. But it goes well beyond that and into the ability to see life differently, profoundly, and completely through the “EYE” of the Temple.

This class is so unique, so different than the normal approach I take to teaching the Way of the Temple Soul that I am opening it up to anyone who has taken a Tracker class. Here will you will take a journey into self discovery, finding areas of power and enlightenment within yourself that you never realized existed and through that journey you will embrace a new sense of self, of being, of existing, and a deeper far reaching knowledge of all that is around and within you. Needless to say that it is a very difficult class to explain but the results are astounding to say the least. I hope you can join me on this journey to the Hidden Secrets of the Soul.

The class will take place live on line on Sunday, May 3rd and run from 1:00 pm to 6:00pm. The cost of the class will be $125. I know that this is short notice but I feel pressed to get this information and teaching to you quickly as time and conditions around us are fast declining.

Prerequiste: Standard

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