".... And your heart becomes the bridge, the doorway, the light...."

Grandfather - 1968

The Power of Spiritual Concentric Rings


As it is with concentric rings in the physical world, so too are there concentric rings in the worlds of The Spirit-that-moves-in and through-all-things, the world of Spirit and also the world of the Temples of the Soul. This is going to be an amazing class because it will spiritually take you into the vast spiritual internet and complicated communication systems that are very much like the physical concentric rings but more expansive and so full of wisdom. Grandfather loved to teach the power of concentric rings, I think more than most else because he delighted in the looks of excitement and wonder on our faces with each passing lesson. To me these two classes will change you, transform you and open up a vast new understanding of the Spiritual Worlds like nothing else. It is important for you to understand that Grandfather didn’t begin teaching the Spiritual Concentric Rings till much later in our lives. It goes without saying that these teachings are quite advanced. Both the Physical and Spiritual Concentric Rings will no doubt run overtime. Also, you can take one or both for the differences between the physical and spiritual classes are great.
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