"To touch is to know"
"To touch is to understand"
"To touch is to live"
"To touch is to be"
"To touch is to heal"

Grandfather - 1958-1965

Tracker Clubs

Below is a list of tracker clubs located not only in the United States but also around the world.  Please the note that these clubs operate at their organizers' pleasure and are in no way affiliated with the Tracker School. We make a point to check in with them periodically to make sure that they are still active.

Do you have a club you want listed here? Send an email to info@trackerschool.com with 'Tracker Club' in the subject line. Include your name, the name of your club, the frequency with which you meet and the approximate date and location either of your Standard or Philosophy class.

United States
Club NameCity/StateCountryContact
Texas Tracking ClubAustin, TXUnited Statessam@thehumanpath.com
The Correcting Time Tracker ClubBoynton Beach, FLUnited Statesedmund.spiritualnutrition @gmail.com
SFO Gathering GroupCazadero, CAUnited Stateskmlive2day@yahoo.com
Central Virginia TrackersCharlottesville, VAUnited Stateswalkerjr2@embarqmail.com
Cincinnati TrackersCincinnati, OHUnited Statesjimrtsfalcon@gmail.com
Ancestral Knowledge’s Woodland TrackersCollege Park, MDUnited Statesak@ancestralknowledge.org
Survive and Thrive Tracker ClubColorado Springs, COUnited Statessurviveandthrivetrackerclub @gmail.com
Living ArtsColumbia City, INUnited Statesportus2002@gmail.com
Lake Superior Dirt TimeDuluth, MNUnited Statestmseidelmann@gmail.com
South Western Virginia Tracking ClubMartinsville, VAUnited StatesScottHV@gmail.com
The Wilderness Skills ClubMissoula, MTUnited Statesdavid.remmen @umontana.edu
Northern Sierra Tracking ClubNevada City, CAUnited Statesscot@4eee.org
Pine Barrens Tracker ClubNew JerseyUnited Statespinebarrenstrackerclub@gmail.com
Carolina TrackersNorth CarolinaUnited Statesonealsiobhan@gmail.com earthvisions@rtelco.net
VT Primitive Skills GroupNorthfield, VTUnited Stateschaddoe8@gmail.com
Navigator TrackingRichmond, VAUnited Statesbthill70@gmail.com
Russell's WestMass. ClubRussell, MAUnited Statesbruce_mason@juno.com
Twin Eagles Tracking ClubSandpoint, IDUnited Statestim@twineagles.org
Piedmont EarthworksScottsville, VAUnited Statescfj @piedmontearthworks.com
Club NameCity/ProvinceCountryContact
Alberta TrackersCalgary, AlbertaCanadadrsriddle@yahoo.com
Ancestral Skills Initiative Tracking ClubNorth Bay, OntarioCanadaglodeckz@hotmail.com
Les PrimitifsQuébec, PQCanadainfo@lesprimitifs.com
Dirt Time TrackersSouthern OntarioCanadawebmaster @dirttimetrackers.com
The Rest of the World
Club NameCity/StateCountryContact
Wild And Native?Japaninfo@wildandnative.com
Run Alp TrackersCrémieuFrancerunalptrackers@gmail.com
Swiss TrackersLe BémontSwitzerlandsubrum@mac.com
Natural Philosophy Trackers MelbourneMelbourneAustraliamarcosnino@gmail.com