".... If the 'end result' is empowered the journey there is empowered.... "

Grandfather - 1961

Wild Edibles Medicinal Plants


Yes, this is the class that so many of you have requested for so many years. It is a class designed to enter Grandfather”s world of Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants. You will study the identification, collection, preparation, cooking, and eating of the wild bounty that is found in and around the Primitive Camp. The cooking will range from the most primitive methods to the most modern kitchens. We will study spices, teas and natural condiments, as well as blending and mixing plants to get the most health benefits and extraordinary new tastes. The medicinal section of the class will not only teach the basic medicinal qualities of herbals, but get into some of the more complicated mixtures, catalysts, compounds and tinctures. This class will be a grand study of Grandfather”s ways and the manner in which he taught Tom the science and art of herbs.
Prerequiste: Philosophy 1

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