".... The Sacred State of Awareness is not something to live part of the time or when need dictates....
Awareness is a way of life, a Philosophy unto itself, and must be lived Always...."

Grandfather - 1962

Power of the Sweatlodge


Designed around several very powerful Sweatlodge experiences, this class will teach you not only various methods, chants, songs, and ceremonies used within the sweatlodge, but also specific "lodges" dealing with Visions, Healing, and Worship.

Several sweatlodges will be run during the teaching process, with as much being taught inside the lodge as in the classic lecture form. So many Ceremonies have already been lost that, as with the 7 Sacred Healing Ceremonies class, Tom wants to pass down these sacred practices for future generations.

**Please bring a bathing suit or other suitable clothing for the Sweatlodges.**

Prerequiste: Philosophy 1

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