".... Whatever is spiritually manifest becomes physically manifest, provided it is empowered...."

Grandfather - 1958

The Prophecy


Because of the unfolding of several key elements in Grandfather”s Prophecies I am forced to cancel out the Philosophy 2 & 3 classes in December and put in their place a new 10 Day Class that was not scheduled to come out until late in 2012. As many of you know, I base many of the periodic Tracker Classes and the classes that I run only "one time" on the unfolding of Grandfather”s Prophecies. Often times the events that take place leading up to the decision to hold a class takes place much faster and with more urgency than originally predicted and with this class the urgency is even more pressing. Given the urgency of Grandfather”s Prophecy I am left with no choice but to put this class into the schedule NOW!

This 10 Day Class which is scheduled to run from Thursday December 8th to Saturday December 17th is simply called "THE PROPHECY". I have to tell you that this class is an "Inner Vision Directed" class, in that there is very little I can give you by way of a thorough explanation. It is you and your Inner Vision that will decide if you are driven to take this class or not, for it is far more than a class. It will be a life changing experience that takes place on a Visionary level and unfortunately it will awaken you to what is really taking place today and the rest of our tomorrows. The only way I could describe this class, this experience, is that I will spell out in all its horrific detail every element and prophecy that Grandfather ever made. You will journey back in time to the very core elements that drive the possible and probable futures, and there in the past you will clearly see the dawn of our horrific probable future.

Once you have made the Inner Vision Directed decision to attend this class I will be sending you out a series of emails to prepare you for the class. These emails are essential to your growth, your understanding, and so that you get the most out of the experience. The frightening thing about this class is that if the probable future unfolds the way Grandfather predicted it to this class may very well become the 7th and final Keepers Medicine Society group that Grandfather wanted. If this comes to pass then the future is worse than I ever dreamed. Apply, only if you are driven!

The cost of the 10 day class will be the same as it would be for a normal Tracker week long class. I”ve reduced the price so that I can get as many people into this experience as humanly possible. I am also opening it up to anyone who has graduated from the Standard or the Philosophy I class. The days will be long because time is so short.

In Medicine,

Prerequiste: Standard

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