".... You are not what you think, but what you Believe...."

Grandfather - 1958

Gateway to Ancient Knowledge



This place and these people have been a place of great awakening and beauty in my life and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Years ago, after Grandfather returned to his people, I wandered throughout North and South America for years hoping to find people who used and cherished the primitive skills as I did. Rarely did I come across anyone who still practiced any of the ancient skills, and the few that I did run across usually produced only marketable “goods” to sell like cups, bowls, or rugs and baskets, so they could feed and clothe their families.

I’d nearly lost hope until I traveled to Belize, a beautiful paradise of a place which evolved from the ancient Mayan people. While there I met an elderly medicine man that possessed the most expansive base of knowledge and skill that I’d witnessed in many years, perhaps since Grandfather.

Sadly, I could stay only a short while before I felt the call to move on, and begrudgingly chose to leave. Years later when I returned to Belize I spent several months with that old Medicine Man’s grandson and his family, and had the honor of sharing with them many of Grandfather’s skills while learning theirs and living as one with these happy and noble people. Upon my entry to this great land I felt like a curtain had been drawn back – I always think of this period as my “Gateway to Ancient Knowledge.”

Now, I want to take you with me back to Belize, a place of raw plentitude and untarnished beauty. I want to show you my path which covered a land that is still one of least densely populated in the world. And, I hope to find out what pristine beauty and skills have remained in this place, and sadly, perhaps which ones man and time have obliterated.

This class will open to you a whole new exotic realm and bring us one step closer on the road to approaching a completely different, yet magnificent, culture and people with reverence and joy. Join us, if you can!

All Good Medicine,


Dates: Thursday, March 19, 2009 – Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Class Size: 25 Maximum

Cost: NOTE: We are still finalizng these costs and will let you know exact

the amount ASAP. TBA/$2,000 range
Prerequiste: Standard

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