My vision to leave the mountains of Belize and the elderly Medicine Man with whom I became such good friends all those years ago was a calling that pulled me towards that country’s gorgeous and primitive Caribbean coast. It’s difficult to describe this place of such stark beauty and unspoiled earthiness. It opened to me a whole new world of beauty and meaning and I immersed myself in the use and development of my newfound skills as well as the indigenous jungle tools I was taught to make in the mountains above. I fell in love with Belize’s rich and biodiverse environment, as a matter of fact, one night while I was sitting on the beach watching a large, primitive vessel sail by, I became so fully engulfed that I understood perfectly the enormity and power of the connections we have to one another and to our Earth Mother, irrespective of place and time. I could feel exactly what it must have felt like to live in New York City some 250 years ago, as ships just like that one sailed by – and as the very foundations of that great city’s current culture were beginning to develop. During this part of our Belize trip, we will explore the Caribbean Coast together, and I will share with you my initial discovery of our natural bonds to both our past and to these pure and primitive ways. We will also learn to work with many of the plants, herbs, and tools that are indigenous to this land which boasts a magnificent intact tropical rainforest and the hemisphere’s longest barrier reef. And I will show you why this place of uncultivated, unexplored, mountains and shoreline may be the best and safest place to turn when the Red Skies come. Together we will learn, discover, explore, relax and enjoy! I hope you will find a way to make this journey!Until then – All Good Medicine,Tom
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