"To touch is to know"
"To touch is to understand"
"To touch is to live"
"To touch is to be"
"To touch is to heal"

Grandfather - 1958-1965

Photography through the Eyes of a Tracker


I’m teaming up with my son Tommy, better known as T3, to run a very unique class on Nature Photography. As many of you know Tommy as I call him, was the head instructor at the Tracker School for a few years before he moved to Oregon where he now runs his own set of unique classes. He is also a very accomplished nature photographer. Many of his pictures leave me stunned especially when he focuses on the little hidden things in nature that most people miss. This class is going to be unique and thrilling in that to just call it Nature Photography would be an insult. It is far more than just snapping a picture. This is not going to be a classic photo journalism class that you would take in college, for it is far more than that. We want to incorporate the Scout Hunting, awareness, stalking, tracking and so many other teachings into the class where instead of hunting with a primitive weapon you will use the same techniques and skills to hunt with a camera. This class is really going to change the way you take pictures no matter if you’re using a cell phone or a Hasselblad camera.
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