In my effort to keep pushing the outer limits of the advanced levels of education and not just for the physical classes but especially the online classes, I now present to you a very intense and expansive class. Grandfather was without a doubt one of the most dedicated and disciplined people I’ve ever met. Like the Ancient Scouts he was constantly working skills, working to stay healthy and strong and always so active throughout every moment of every day. Yet there is much more to these ancient tried and true methods than just a physical approach. Like in all things that Grandfather taught there had to be a balance of all things physical and of course, all things Spiritual. I’m really thrilled to be taking you all into the life of Grandfather and not just through the physical teachings but also using my observations and stories of Grandfather and the way he would go about his day, where every day for him was a journey to adventure, new things learned, and old things further mastered.
We all fall prey to the lack of self-discipline and then blame and complain as to why we can’t seem to get anything done. I can say for myself that part of it is poor choices on my part, but it is far more than that. There is a far deeper reason than just choice, a reason that is certainly physical but also mental, emotional,
Spiritual and of course deeply rooted in the Temples of the Soul. Once you learn these ancient ways you will find that your life will totally change, and you will begin to see and feel the act of doing in a whole different way. I not only speak for myself but also for Rick in saying that as Grandfather took us through the process of self-discipline our lives, our outlook on life and the core of our Visions changed dramatically. For us there was never again a dull or boring day, a day without intense lessons learned and filled with countless adventures.