".... Most people walk upon the Earth....
The Scout walks within the Earth....
The Scout protects & blesses the Earth with each step....
In return the Earth blesses & sustains the Scout...."

Grandfather - 1960

Tom’s WorldTracker Nicaraguan Adventure


March 2008 – Tom’s WorldTracker Nicaraguan Adventure!

Join Tom Brown Jr. and WorldTracker as we travel half a world away to discover and explore one of the "most beautiful wildlife areas on our planet!" Our itinerary includes:

DAY 1 • Sunday, March 16, 2008

United States to San Jose, Costa Rica

Upon your arrival at the San Jose International Airport, we will all meet and drive to the luxurious Selva Verde Lodge.

Mid afternoon we will stop along the way for lunch. That evening we will dine together at the hotel’s premier restaurant.

Overnight: TBA

Meals: Lunch/Dinner

DAY 2 • Monday, March 17, 2008

From Chilamate to Rio Indio

After breakfast on our first full morning in Costa Rica, we’ll work out the kinks of travel by taking a nature walk and exploring the local wildlife.

Later you’ll find that indeed, "the journey is the destination", as we delight in the outstanding panoramic views and many natural splendors of the gorgeous and unpredictable Sarapiqui River. This exciting boat excursion will bring us into Rio Indio, for the next leg of our tropical adventure.

The Sarapiqui, also known as the "Nile of Costa Rica" extends for more than 35 miles through lush forest reserves and offers awe-inspiring vistas for all who travel these remarkable waters.

Overnight: Rio Indio Lodge

Meals: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

DAY 3 • March 18, 2008

Rio Indio, Nicaragua

Waking up along the banks of the San Juan River on the frontier between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, nestled deep in the rainforest of the Rio Indio-Maz Biological Reserve, lies The Rio Indio Adventure Lodge.

This luxury jungle paradise offers myriad activities from cruising the channels and lagoons of the San Juan River by kayak, to exploring the surrounding wildlife on one of our nature hikes. During our four days, Tom will lead us on myriad exhilarating river adventures, and we expect to find some of the most sought after avifauna in the world.

Overnight: Rio Indio Lodge

Meals: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

DAY 4 • March 19, 2008

Rio Indio, Nicaragua

After breakfast at the Río Indio Lodge we’ll move on to the San Juanillo Lagoon system, where we will encounter some of the most beautiful tropical habitats in the Mesoamerican Isthmus. Experts have declared this area to be the "Amazon of Central America".

The perfect hideaway for Nature Lovers, this wonderful habitat provides an amazing diversity of wildlife and birdlife. Among the species that we may see are the Black-collared Hawk, the Chestnut-bellied Heron, the illusive Sungrebe, all of the Kingfisher species of the Americas, as well as the endangered Green and Rufous Kingfisher.

Equally incredible is the Mammal wildlife: Jaguars, Ocelots, Tapirs, White lipped and Collared Peccaries; and three species of monkeys; have been seen in this area, so we never know what might happen while we’re there.

Overnight: Rio Indio Lodge

Meals: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

DAY 5 • March 20, 2008

Rio Indio, Nicaragua

To maximize the fun and adventure on our last day at the Rio Indio Lodge, our activities may include a nighttime boat tour to explore all of the mysterious creatures that lurk in the depths of the rainforests.

And we will experience life at its most primitive and poignant as we meet and see the way the indigenous people live, particularly the Rama Indians who moved into these lowlands from the western side of Nicaragua. These people have adapted to their environment beautifully and speak a minimum of three languages, including Caribbean English.

The Rio Indio is a paradise for wildlife observers and we’ll see birds like the Keel-billed Toucans; Slaty-tailed Trogons; Montezuma Oropendulas; several species of parrots, including the endangered Great-green Macaw; herons; egrets; kingfishers; anhingas; flycatchers; and several species of hawks. Wildlife in the vicinity also include two and Three-toed Sloths; Green Iguanas; Emerald Basilisks; Strawberry poison-dart frogs; and all three species of monkeys.

And of course, if you’d like, there will also be time to simply soak up the tropical sun and relax by the resort’s Infinity swimming pool!

Overnight: Rio Indio Lodge

Meals: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

DAY 6 • March 21, 2008

From Rio Indio to Arenal, La Fortuna

After breakfast we will make the return trip to Sarapiquí to meet our driver and travel to the Arenal Volcano National Park. Here we will have an opportunity to observe the remarkable tracks of one of the most active volcanoes in Central America.

After lying dormant for over 400 years, the Arenal Volcano erupted violently on July 29, 1968, destroying the little towns of Tabacón and Pueblo Nuevo. With tremendous blasts that boom like thunder, the Arenal continues to erupt today, throwing red-hot rocks (up to 25 feet in diameter) 1000 feet above the cone! At night the fiery rocks that shower the volcano provide an impressive fireworks display.

Overnight: Rio Indio Lodge

Meals: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

DAYS 7 • March 22, 2008

Arenal Volcano Area

When we’re through with our breakfast we will depart for the trails within the Arenal Volcano National Park. During these walks we’ll experience some of the most exciting features of Arenal - the rumbles, hisses and quakes of each spectacular eruption.

This is truly a day of wonder in which anything can happen. Our main thoughts will be to learn, share and enjoy whatever nature brings to our newly founded clan.

We may be fortunate enough to view a plethora of wildlife, including Montezuma Oropendolas; Keel billed and Chestnut Mandibled Toucans; Red lored Parrots; Crested Guans; Gray headed Chachalacas; and mammals like Central American Agoutis, White faced Capuchin, Central American Spider and Howler monkeys.

The bountiful plantlife including several species of orchids, like Sobralia; and the Little Spanish flags (Epidendron radicans) make this area an astounding place for exploration. We’ll find large areas of the largest species of Arrow Grass, referred to King Grass locally (Gynerium sagittattum), which is widely used for construction.

After lunching in one of the local restaurants, we’ll enjoy one of the greatest walks of our excursion as we travel high atop the canopy of the forest. This walk will take us through a wonderful forest with views of rivers, waterfalls, and both Arenal Lake and Arenal Volcano. We may have the pleasure of sighting any of the 3 species of Toucans; parrots; tanagers; trogons; and Antbirds. We often see White faced Capuchin and Howler monkeys as well.

Once we finish our walk, we’ll go straight to the Ecotermales Fortuna to visit the Hidalgo family’s Hot Springs facility, where our host family will welcome us and treat us to a delicious homemade dinner. We can rest, visit and feast upon the mouthwatering native Costa Rican meal prepared for us by our hosts.

Overnight: TBA

Meals: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

DAY 8 • march 23, 2008

Arenal Volcano Area

After breakfast at our hotel we’ll load the bus and start our trip back to San Jose, where we will go to the Juan Santamaria International Airport to meet the participants of the upcoming Tracker Class, "The Spiritual Side of Medicinal Plants".

If you are staying for this incredible Tracker class, you will go to your next destination with Tom Brown Jr. and his staff now. If you are leaving the country today, you’ll need your passport, tickets and $26 for your airport departure tax.

Overnight: TBA

Meals: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

To make the most of this exciting hands-on excursion, this WorldTracker Adventure will be limited to 16 students. This intimate group will allow for ample one-on-one time with Tom and the other instructors who’ll be joining us on our adventure. Though the Tracker School normally requires that everyone attend the standard class as a precursor to any other class, the requirement for Worl
Prerequiste: None

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