".... Live a vision driven life...."

Grandfather - 1968

Psychological and Emotional Survival


This is another very important and powerful class especially with what we are facing as protectors, leaders, and teachers for our families and closest friends in the darkness that awaits us in the very near future. No doubt that all of you are aware of Grandfather as a healer. The healings that he helped bring about, so many against the most impossible odds were staggering, both in numbers but also in severity of the illness healed. But it was not just the physical ailments, diseases, afflictions and injuries that he healed but also a vast and varied list of mental and emotional diseases and disorders. Here I’m not even going to remotely include his endless fight against the darkness that can infect the human soul but the psychological breakdown, the mental struggles and emotional turmoil that people young and old face every day. As I wrote in my book The Vision in the Healing Chapter, “he was a true healer of body, mind and spirit, just as his Vision foretold”. What I witnessed Grandfather do, even to those who were beyond hope, still amazes me to this day.

Here in this very unique and powerful class I want to teach you the many ways Grandfather would approach the healing of someone who was having a mental and/or emotional breakdown. His words would have such an impact on those in need that with just a glance and a properly placed word he could get the most depressed of individuals to laugh out loud and break free from the shackles that kept them in their dark prisons of thought and emotion. Considering that we are going to have to help members of our own family and friends throughout the darkest times in all of our lives, it is no wonder that this class has to be a must do on your list.

In no way, shape or form does Grandfather’s teachings and the mental/emotional healing techniques and practices come close to modern psychotherapy. In fact, it is my hope that those in the profession of helping others in this way will adopt, embrace and integrate Grandfathers’ teachings and techniques into their daily practices. So too, will you find that the skills and techniques of healing are not only directed at those in need, but the same elements can be directed toward self and the self will be healed.

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