"If you believe everything I'm telling you is true, then you are a fool."

Tom Brown, Jr. - 2010

Tracker Family Camp


Come join us with your family for a fun-filled wilderness skills week in the Pine Barrens learning from the legendary Tom Brown Jr! This year’s Tracker Family Camp is led directly by Tom in collaboration with Rick Berry and the 4 Earth Elements Education (4EEE) instructor team.

Last summer, Tom said this would be the first and last Tracker Family Camp. However, halfway through the week he started talking about next year’s Tracker Family Camp! There was a powerful “village” feeling in camp, with kids playing games, working on primitive skills, making friends, and sharing stories around the fire. The sounds of laughter could be heard from the swim hole from dawn to dusk. And even in the midst of the fun, Tom ensured he passed on simple, subtle, and powerful activities that guided the families to a deeper connection with nature and the spirit-that-moves-in-all-things.

We are excited for you to join us for a second summer in the Pine Barrens. As 4EEE recently completed a merger with The Children of the Earth Foundation under the leadership of Rick Berry, Tom has asked Rick to collaborate with him for this year’s Tracker Family Camp.

We will practice basic survival skills including shelter building, lost-proofing, fire-making, rock tools, cordage and camouflage. We plan to offer more adventures tracking in the Pines as well as more “edge” experiences for teens and older children to push their skills. This may include an overnight adventure in the bush for returning students. Tom and Rick also plan to have separate parent activities and discussions about “Coyote teaching” methods to bring home to your family and community.

The early registration discount ends May 25th at $750 per Adult and $100 per Child. After May 25th, it will be $800 per Adult and $200 per child. See you in the Pines!

Prerequiste: None

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