"To touch is to know"
"To touch is to understand"
"To touch is to live"
"To touch is to be"
"To touch is to heal"

Grandfather - 1958-1965

The Radiance of Medicinal Plants


When you apply the Wisdom and the Power of Radiance to Medicinal Plants along with the collecting, preparation, mixing, compounding and creation of medicinal mixes through Radiance you bring the art and science of herbal medication to its highest possible level. Here using the power and wisdom of radiance the medicinal plants and plant compounds, mixes, administration and final results will be tailor made to the patient thus producing astounding results. Using the knowledge and wisdom of Radiance you will also learn to identify the medicinal properties of plants that you have never encountered before with uncanny accuracy not just in the identification process but also the mixing and application. This is one of these classes that will go on and on, meeting once every several months to increase your knowledge and share your experiences.
Prerequiste: Standard , Philosophy 1

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