".... The power of prayer is unlocked by envisioned words of feeling from the sacred temples heart ...."

Grandfather - 1967

Primitive Cooking with Jorge


INSTRUCTORS: Jorge Brana and Tom Brown Jr.

Course Outline

Tom’s Note: For months now the entire Tracker staff, many, many students, and I, have begged Jorge, no - we “hounded” Jorge to please design and run a Primitive Cooking Class. Finally, he has given in.

At first I was inclined to call this a “workshop,” but I had a small problem. As you know the workshops, like bow making and flint knapping, are run exclusively by the instructors, while, on the other hand, the “intensives” are my domain. That was the “problem” – I very much want to be a small part of this exciting class, coming in for a few hours on the first day, and then again for a few hours before you head home. My part in this will be to piggyback on Jorge’s amazing talent by sharing with you what Grandfather taught me about the spiritual aspects of food preparation and cooking. Therefore, I’ve decided to call this class an “Intensive-Workshop”. This is more than just a class, it will be a cooking adventure that will forever change your mind about the Art & Science of Primitive Cooking. I know it will be inspiring!

Jorge’s Thoughts: I am both excited and honored that Tom wanted me to design this class for you. I must tell you that this will not be your “average cooking class”. Yes, I will teach many creative and exciting ways to prepare and cook wild and domestic game, and we will explore how to best find and prepare various wild spices and plants; but this class will also be about learning to understand the wonderful bounty of each of the four seasons, and living well with the natural rhythms of the Earth. I want the work that we do to provide a healthy template for you to follow for the rest of your lives.

Come ready to share and learn, and please, though the weather will be cold - bring a swimsuit and towel. I look forward to seeing you here.

Dates: November 17-19, 2007

Pre-requisite: Standard

Class Size: Max 20 students

Fee: $450
Prerequiste: Standard

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