".... And like the Sacred circle of life, the circle of the unseen, ancient, and eternal, without beginning or ending, is the power of the timeless circle of eternity."

Grandfather - 1964

Preparation for Exodus


Grandfather said that when the 3rd Prophecy comes and the sky turns red, “the children of the Earth must run to the wild places and never return to the places of man”.

So, the question is not “will it happen?”, but “when will it happen?”, and “will I be prepared?” In this class I will tell you about my own personal preparations for the migration into wilderness. I will also describe in detail, what I will take with me, where and how I will live, and how to avoid the wars and hunting that will follow.

Most importantly, this class teaches what you can do now to prepare physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, for the inevitable end.
Prerequiste: Advanced Standard , Advanced Tracking and Awareness

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